Friday is here and we know that is almost everyone’s favorite day. Why? Because it marks the end of the work/school week and the beginning of two days of freedom to do, “what you want.” When I think about it I can’t get past the, “two days of freedom.” Why only two days?
What if every day could be like Friday? What if I told you there is no reason for Friday to feel different than any other day? What would you think if I said you didn’t have to be crazy rich or retired from your job for this to be a reality? What if I said it was all in your head and you could start living that way today?
I imagine you would laugh at me. You might even tell me that I live with my head in the clouds. I would tell you that you can label it however you want but it’s true. It really is as simple as making the active decision to love every day as much as you love Friday. Here is the tricky part. It is as difficult as loving every day as much as you love Friday. That’s right, it is easier said than done. I would even go so far as to say that it could qualify as a second job. You have heard the sayings just like I have, “if it was easy everyone would do it,” and, “things worth doing/having must be earned because they do not come free.” Here is the good news though. Every day that you successfully go into with the same positive attitude as you do a Friday makes the next day that much easier.
There is a book by Dr. Shad Helmstetter called, “What To Say When You Talk To Yourself” that I highly recommend you read. You can get it in paperback, hardcover, or electronic for the Kindle. It illustrates the point that I am trying to make here. When you are ready and you decide that today will be as good or better than any and every Friday you eagerly await for. That is when you will start to have more positive future.
There is a lot of truth to my claims above and I agree with the statements that we all have heard. Happiness and the better things in life are not given to us. We must seek it out, embrace it, and share it. Yes, share it! For a multitude of reasons. First, I feel it is harder to find happiness if you are not willing to share it with others. Second, when you find happiness, why wouldn’t you want to share it?
I know this may seem like a daunting task. I have been there myself. Try to remember life is a marathon not a sprint. So, start small. Wake up every day and smile. Even when you feel like there is no good reason to, smile anyway. Someone else may need your smile to help them through their day. I guarantee if you continue to do that and then look back on your life after a week, month, and year you will see positive changes and you may even realize that you are smiling more without even realizing you are.
I hope your weekend is the happiest weekend you have had up to this point!